Monday, July 5, 2010

Proud to be an American.

Despite how idiotic most Americans seem to be when it comes to a holiday such as the Fourth of July. I feel bad for all the firefighters, paramedics, and police officers on a night such as the fourth what with all the drunken fools blowing things up. Now I'm a huge fan of fireworks (for those of you who are close with me you know I have this huge attraction towards anything glittery and shiny), but it still scares me knowing people are blowing things up under influences of devil poison (my new word for alcohol). I was pleased to be sitting safely on my sixteenth floor balcony watching a panoramic view of all the fireworks in the Chicagoland area. I really do have the best view for fireworks and Jackie was pleased to see how wonderfully beautiful the fireworks were from my apartment complex. The fireworks helped take my mind off of all the troubles that have been present in my life and the most recent incident, which I don't care to disclose for all on my blog.

I felt like a little kid again having my friend over for the fireworks. I've never really enjoyed the Fourth of July, because as a child my mom looked out for me and made me sit inside due to my hearing loss. After that it was just another holiday to me. I wasn't extremely pleased with any of my Fourths, but this time was different. Jackie and I ate yummy BBQ, sat and gossiped, watched the fireworks on the balcony, and ate red, white, and blue popsicle. The popsicle part was probably my favorite, because I love anything that's colorful and holiday themed. Not to mention it was delicious and refreshing on such a humid night in the Chi! The one thing I dislike about the midwest is how awfully humid it gets! The humidity tends to be so uncomfortable at times that you feel as though you are unable to breath. As you can see my hair was struggling to stay straight and began to turn Jewish. My bangs are also obnoxiously long I was supposed to get them cut on Saturday, but I had a major problem so they continue to stay in front of my face, annoying me.

Another part of holidays that I completely, and utterly dislike is the amount of food you are practically expected to eat. If you know anything about my family, you'll know my father is a fairly large fella. Not that I hate this, but he knows how to eat. He also enjoys making tons of food allowing for plenty of leftovers. Our fridge is jam packed full of BBQ so naturally we are expected to eat this food for the next week. When I want something that is "health nut" like he tells me to buy it myself. Before I was broke I'd go to Trader Joes every week and buy only healthy foods. I was so much thinner! I can feel myself getting unhealthy from the excessive amounts of greasy, unhealthy foods. This was basically my dinner! Can you believe how much food that is? I'm going to have to run 5 marathons this week to burn off all the calories I've consumed from such foods. I try to fill up as much as I can on watermelon (because I love it and it is mostly water and fiber). I can't wait until next week because my dad plans on making salads and I need to start going back to eating healthy!

I really enjoyed my holiday despite it being so bad in retrospect. I have a wonderful, amazing family and such a great friend and I could not have been happier spending the holiday with such fantabulous people. I decided that instead of laying in bed, crying, and watching the fireworks alone because of what happened I would dress snazzy and festive and enjoy the holiday as much as I could. It did help take my mind off of some things and I felt a lot better. Like I was ready to conquer the world after this holiday was over. That I would be able to take care of everything and eventually I would get over this now greatest fear of mine. I would not let a few mishaps make me terrified for the rest of my life... At least I hope that is the case after all of this ends. Hope everyone had an amazing Fourth of July! I would write something more interesting and less bland, but I'm quite sleepy and I will be waking up in a few hours to go do what I love more than anything else (other than writing of course) fishing!

Love you all!
Alexis Zoe

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