Sunday, May 16, 2010

The struggle is part of beauty of life.

I have been struggling internally a lot lately and I suppose that is due to my vast amount of thought being restricted to laying in bed and thinking. My last blog discussed in depth who I believe myself to be. I have always longed to make sense of the world and I have made so many attempts that have been feeble. Last night while talking to Johnny I realized what is most important to me and what has always been important to me. It is love. Abdull'l-baha states "What a power is love! It is the most wonderful, the greatest of all living powers. Love gives life to the lifeless. Love lights a flame in the heart that is cold. Love brings hope to the hopeless and gladdens the hearts of the sorrowful. In the world of existence there is indeed no greater power than the power of love. When the heart of man is aglow with the flame of love, he is ready to sacrifice all-even his life."

I truly believe that love is the most powerful and beautiful emotion one can ever receive. It is a gift and though there will be many people that come in and out of your life proclaiming their "love" the person who truly loves you will never leave. Will fight every battle with you and will never judge or question the person that you are. We are all people and all have our own ides of what the world is. No two people have the exact beliefs on life though we may share similar beliefs we still have our own understanding of our own reality. We continuously search for truth and meaning in our lives and rely on those we love to reassure us that we aren't crazy that what we do is significant and makes sense. That is why I feel love is the most important thing to share with another individual. The person I am inside will do whatever is necessary for those I love. The one thing I have learned from love is that you must sacrifice for that person just as the quotation describes, but you can never give up on your internal self. Those that love you will accept you for who you are and what you want out of your life, because ultimately you have to be satisfied with how you lived your life. 

I understand that I often have radical views on some things such as how females are treated. I can not sit back and let myself be a stay at home mom even though that is what I have been taught the entirety of my life. The woman just does not work she is the homegiver and mother. I want to be the mother and I love doing all the little things that come with homegiving, but I want to make something of myself as well. I want to be an independent woman who can help my family financially. I want women to not be afraid to be strong and powerful. This does not make you less of a woman, but shows that you are not afraid to fight for what you believe in. 

Baha'u'llah says that, "The Earth is our country and we are all of its citizens." I really believe this and I guess this is what my recent struggle has been about. I feel as though people become so concentrated on focused on their own beliefs that they don't take the time to understand others. They form little groups and don't take the time to accept others. In virtually every religion, monotheistic that is, we believe that g-d created mankind and wants our happiness. We all believe in this single g-d that put us here, but choose to believe different stories handed to us from a written scripture. If we all believe in this g-d then does that not make us all people? Does that not explain a lot about who we are as human beings? G-d wants us all to be moral and I believe in morality. I believe that the world is forgetting what g-ds intention was for us and that we are letting sin and temptation get the best of us. What I'm trying to get at is that we are all people and that if we really listened to g-d we would accept all people for who they are. We are all g-ds children and should embrace one another and accept that we are different. The differences are what make human beings so unique. You'd be surprised how much you can learn from somebody who isn't exactly on the same page as you.

I am by no means advocating that you change who you are because you think somebody else's beliefs are more correct, because they are not. Nobody's beliefs are more correct than anybody elses. They are their own and you may find something that you never looked at before that you want to incorporate in your life, or you may just become more firm in understanding why you believe what you do. Whatever the case you must take into account that people are going to see things differently then you, but that doesn't make them less of a human being. I believe that I have something unique and beautiful about me. Something that not many people posses and that is the ability to empathizes with others. I attempt to understand the other individual and attempt to give them some guidance without making them feel as though they should feel bad about who they are. I want everybody to know how beautiful they are because they are themselves. I really believe that we are all people and that we should embrace the people in this world. Life and the world is too cruel for hatred or excessive misunderstanding. We need to accept all and learn to forgive. The Amish believe in forgiveness and believe that no matter how terrible people are there is good somewhere in their heart. They believe in family, unity, and acceptance in g-d's path. We need to learn to forgive and not harvest hatred for others, because it will only cause our own pain or demise. 

What does not kill us only makes us stronger, I really believe that. I have been knocked down a lot and had a lot of bad news, but it has transformed me into the strong and beautiful person that I am. I embrace all the pain, struggle, and challenges because it lets me see life in a different light and appreciate that which I do have. It allows me to understand myself and be able to help others who feel lost and are dealing with the same type of situations. I grow and continue to grow and I thank everyone in my life who has been there along all my bumps. Life is what you make it. You can live it and just get by and not appreciate that which you have. You can be negative and harbor hatred inside. Or you can smile and fight back show the world that you can do it. Live life freely and believe in humankind. You can live life to the fullest and enjoy each moment even the bad, because the bad allow you to appreciate the good that much more. 

I just felt like an inspirational rant today :). Finally leaving the house after 5 or 6 days of being bedridden! It is a beautiful day outside as well. I almost forgot how nice the trees smell and how blue the sky can be. I also can't wait to be in Arizona with the person who makes me feel the most loved. Love can hurt, but will be worth it in the end never forget that. 

Sincerely me,
Alexis Zoe

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