Each year I typically am like many people who generate a list of new years resolutions to appease towards being a better version of myself. It's as if a new year can suddenly erase all of my regrets, joys, and negatives of the past year. However, the way that resolutions/goals work is to think about what from the past you want to improve on and work on. Thus, this year rather than labeling my goals "resolutions" I'm going to call them just that goals. They are goals that I hope to achieve, but won't completely beat myself over not accomplishing. If I fail to accomplish something that doesn't mean that I'm a failure, nor does it mean I will never accomplish it. Sometimes goals can take us longer than what we prescribe for ourselves. The reason we don't see goals out is because if it takes us too long or it becomes to difficult we give up on our goals. We decide it's time to change who we are rather than think about the root of why this goal is so difficult to achieve.
I've had many goals in my life that I have not accomplished. There are times I spent days beating myself up to the point where I became depressed over things that ultimately are trivial. When my mother passed away I swore I would learn from allowing things to consume or or forks in the road completely throw me off my A game. Unfortunately, I strayed away from the goal, but it doesn't mean that it's an impossible one. I've learned that I need to stop making excuses and I'm working this year in trying to overcome some of the pain. I wanted to write this blog, despite it being on the 5th, as a way to truly keep myself accountable. I used to write blogs all the time, they were my pleasure. Writing has always been the form of expression that has afforded me the opportunity to openly discuss my feelings. The past year or so I've completely neglected writing for myself and I intend to post more blogs this year.
Though the formal list of goals may seem typical I still want to write out a list to see at the end of the year if I accomplished some of the goals I set for myself. I made a conscious effort to not just make career driven goals, but also goals for mental and physical well-being. Some are stereotypical, while others I find much more geared towards my own needs.
1. Practice the art of balance. Learn how to balance work and pleasure so that neither is being neglected.
2. Work on my body and my overeating habits. Try to avoid overeating, drink more water, and exercise at least 3 days a week for a minimum of 20 minutes. I want to set a realistic goal to get me going rather than overworking my body and quitting early.
3. Write 5 days a week even if it isn't for long amounts of time or if I'm not feeling inspired. Writing even a bit a day may lead to something great whether its academic, creative, or personal writing.
4. Go to a Renaissance faire. I try to go every year and enjoy it.
5. Sell/donate more items that I don't need or don't use. I feel like we allow things to accumulate and clutter our lives. I'm tired of feeling overwhelmed by things.
6. Create weekly goals in my calendar and try to achieve those goals. If not make them a priority for the next week.
7. Work on not guilt tripping myself about things or putting myself down when things happen. Try to retain a positive attitude.
8. Try to stay a bit more organized.
9. Go fishing this year at least once.
10. Take vitamins more vitamins to combat the illness/fatigue.
11. Purchase at least 3 things that I really want for myself without guilt.
12. Try to learn a bit more about different cultures/dabble in another language.
13. Finish writing a fiction book with Brandon.
14. Do nice things for Brandon.
15. Plan a trip that Brandon and I will go on in the next year or two.
16. Apply to more jobs and work towards finding something whether it's here in Nebraska or else-ware.
17. Work on making a costume sewing project from FFXIV.
18. Continue to practice sewing.
19. Paint more pictures and work on marketing my Etsy shop and building a portfolio.
20. Bake more for others and bring baked goods over.
21. Work on saving and budgeting better in 2015.
This list is pretty hefty, but I tried to think of goals that are manageable that I can work towards this year. I don't want to overwhelm myself with goals and if I accomplish more I'll be more pleased rather than disappointed. I'm looking forward to 2015 even though it's a year of uncertainty for me. I believe that things will work out in my favor sometime soon. I've always been an underdog and had to fight and really convince people of my potential. I will continue to do so and continue to believe that I can accomplish anything if I just continue to work hard, dream, and believe that good will come. Have a wonderful new year.