Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Say Goodbye, To The World You Thought You Lived In.

Today was a glorious day. I say that because it was essentially productive, despite the fact that I am still awake at 4:15 am and should be in bed. Soon enough, I feel the need to release my thoughts before retiring to my comfortable, lavender smelling bed. The day began with me awaking way past the time I wanted to putting me in a very "I'm disappointed in myself yet again!" state. That state turned me bitter and landed me eating a bean burrito I concocted with beans, cheese, sour cream, and tortilla. After downing my yummy tasting treat I became even more disappointed in myself for eating so unhealthily and decided to do something good to counter my bad eating. I walked briskly to my sanctuary aka the gym, where I ran 3 miles in 30 minutes and lifted for almost an hour and a half. After this I felt satisfied, but still disappointed in what I had eaten early.

I must say that twitter has become an enemy of mine. I have been in and out of a relationship with twitter for a while now. At times I go back and update my status every 3 seconds (yes I suppose you could give me the "clingy girlfriend" stereotype when it comes to twitter), other times I become completely disinterested in this social networking tool, because none of my real close friends seem to have it and no one @ replies me for days only to leave me sad and feeling lonely in the end. Lately, I have been back to the clingy girlfriend stage. Today made me want to go back to leaving twitter though, because it seemed that everyone on twitter posted how in love they were with the pumpkin spice latte, and they proceeded to not only describe it's pure greatness, but also leave a picture. I continued to argue with myself "No, you already had that burrito today. If you drink this pumpkin spice latte you will go overboard!" The other half of course was pleading, "but you already ran 3 miles. That's a good workout. You burned off the latte so it would be like you just never worked out."

Who won the battle? Well of course the deviant side did and I got that latte and it was damn good. One of my favorite parts of fall is the pumpkin spice latte. I do miss the salted caramel hot chocolate, but the pumpkin spice latte is just as good. Plus it was the first day officially of fall, I figured might as well celebrate! I wasn't celebrating tonight when I got on the scale to see I gained not one, but two lbs. Looks like I'll be eating cucumbers, salad, and running tomorrow and thursday. Oy vay. The good side to getting the calories was that I also saw the pumpkins out and ready for fall! I had to purchase myself a little 69 cent white pumpkin for my room even though I have several pumpkins on display already. I'm such a geek! I totally love decorating for various holidays. Not only do I decorate my bathroom with fallesque soaps and make my room have the feel of autumn, but I also use pumpkin smelling lotions, body washes, and have my room smelling of the spices of fall. Lame I know, oh well. It really gets you in the mood to read some great books such as Speaking Into Air! One of the greatest communication books I have had the privilege of reading. My masters program just continues to get more and more intriguing. Oh and for those of you who didn't get it by the picture. That is my pumpkin that I got today. Isn't it just the most adorable little pumpkin you've ever laid eyes on? I swear I have been such a photographer lately, but I find it so fun to take photos and share them. It definitely spices up the blog posts for sure. Plus I feel that people are more visual so you get to see what I saw/see! Through lenses of course.

Well it is past 4:30 and it is time for this girl to finally hit the bed. I have tons to do tomorrow. Have to send out a ton of resumes/cover letters. Want to read some books I've been aching to read for a while, but haven't had the opportunity too and I promised myself a good workout. These things can not be accomplished if I wake up when class starts! Can not wait until I discuss tomorrow in Communication Theory. I'm such a nerd sometimes. Seriously.

Sleep tight for those of you who actually read my blog!

Alexis Zoe.

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