Saturday, July 16, 2011

I hope you dance.

That which once was beautiful to me seems to have turned into a black abyss. The waves crash towards me and as each hits I feel a pain strike my heart. The radiant glow my heart once produced slowly dulls, causing my mind to slowly evaporate. The world no longer becomes full of questions that my mind so furiously tries to answer, but becomes full of painstakingly unwillingness to do much of anything.

"It appears," I begin muttering to myself "as though I have lost more than I initially thought."

I stand walking towards the darkness as cold consumes my body. The cold usually bothers me, but now I feel as though my world is cold and almost have grown a new immunity to it. I remember the waves of Lake Michigan the day my Mother passed away. Lake Michigan and Chicago seem so much more horrific to me now, but when I try to blame Chicago for producing these thoughts of despair I remember the times I have outside of Chicago. Something as simple as pushing a cart brings me back to chemotherapy sessions, where I am pushing my darling Mother in her wheel chair. She smiles at me, despite my horrendous ability to steer anything. She jokes with me telling me I'm an awful driver in a cute little tone. Her laughter keeps my heart glowing and even during times of darkness my Mother keeps a light going within me.

My mom was half of my heart and the reason that I entitled this blog I hope you dance is because that was her wish for me. My Mother only wanted the best for both my brother and I. I found myself attempting to get my head screwed back on this week. It seemed that without my muse for writing it was difficult, but as I progressed my mind slowly transformed back into the mind I once had. The very same mind that often received praise of brilliance and inspiration. My mother was not afraid to tell me my flaws or strengths and reading my writing was something she thoroughly enjoyed. In fact, she was probably the only one to read every single one of these blogs and tell me how beautifully written it was and what an impressive young woman. When I felt as though I had to lay down and quit I listened to I hope you dance and cried for my mom. I felt her love and I know she heard me. I can't if she could see me the pain she would feel. My Mother wanted nothing but our happiness and this week has been a struggle full of sickness and panic attacks.

Truth is I'm not brilliant, inspirational, or even an impressive young lady. I'm just me and though I have these vast amount of thoughts it does not alienate me from others. I write because it helps me make sense of what I find to be distasteful in the world. My words are intended to mend others hearts who experience such terrifying occurrences that should cease to exist.  I know what it feels like to be alone and it is perhaps the most frightening experience. Being alone. Alone. This past year really I've felt quite alone as if I've contracted some disease. The infection spreads and it seems the more the disease progresses the more bad news I receive. I have accepted that I have very few who actually care about my well being, but it does not prevent me from wishing I could help others. I will continue to use my words to help and if that's inspiration I feel overwhelming amounts of joy.

My Mother battled so hard and each time I thought of laying down and giving up I thought of what my Mother did for me. People have asked me how I've managed to stay so strong and I will admit I have had breakdowns I'm normal and am in no way an impressive young lady. I have some very wonderful people in my life and I have an angel watching me everyday. I pray to see her again and want to live on to show the world what kind of woman I am. I have my mother to thank for transforming me into the woman that I am. She rescued me when I was at my lowest and loved me no matter what mistakes I made. I was perfect. I will never be perfect to anyone again. I will never be number one to anyone. My mom struggled for my brother and I. No one will do what she did. No one will sit up with me all night when I'm sick and crying. No one will make me feel as though I have no flaws. No one will be prouder.

My message to you all, when you feel alone remember there is someone who loves you like this. You may not always feel this love, but trust me when it is gone you will realize it existed. Survival and getting through hardship is dependent on how you choose to perceive your experience. You control your mental well being and when it feels hard remember there are people who struggle everyday worse than yourself. They would do anything to be in the position that you are. We are all very lucky, each person I've met in my life is doing fairly well for themselves and this should be satisfying in itself. I have accepted that even if things do not go according to plan I will get through and find a way. My mom taught me to not be a quitter and that is not who I am in her memory I will continue to be the unstoppable force I once was. I will mend hearts, I will be the sweetheart, and I will treat others with nothing but love. No one should be alone.

Alexis Zoe

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