Oh One Republic, how I have forgotten the beauty of your music. One thing I seem to have let fade away, and forgot the beauty of is Classical musical. Just instrumental music in general. I mean don't get my wrong I love classic rock, rock, indie, just about everything thing in either large or small quantities, but I forgot the power of an instrument. It really is one of the most beautiful experiences your ears can go through. Thank you instrumentalists for helping create the beautiful music we hear on a daily basis and take for granted.
So today was an interesting day. I had a lovely day out with my father. We purchased a printer so that I could kill even more trees printing out my reading assignments for my masters. I am all about going green and saving the earth, but it is near impossible in a masters. It is just too difficult to read something off of a computer screen and fully grasp the concepts. I find that I am the type who needs to highlight in pretty colors and write little side notes to myself for later purposes. After purchasing a new printer that will actually print straight and not slanted. This new printer is a sleek, black lexmark. It is a 5 in one, it makes copies, faxes things, prints pictures fast, p
My room smells like autumn. It is making me feel like a child again, and I can't wait to rake up leaves and jump in them. I don't care how childish that sounds I am going to enjoy my favorite season! Tomorrow (well today at this hour) is the autumn equinox. So it is technically fall finally! Summer will be missed, especially since the heat seemed to have passed over Chicago and went else ware this year. I have oodles to do tonight and tomorrow in order to get fully prepared for my courses these next two days. I'm fully prepared; however, I find that there doesn't seem to be enough hours in the day to satisfy my needs. Oh and I totally need a job so if anyone has any leads please please please let me know because I am wanting to finally obtain my love (the 3g Iphone of course). If I don't find employment soon I am afraid I will miss out on being united with my love. I wish the Iphone plan wasn't so darn expensive. Oh and I also need a new laptop! Mine is just not doing it's job as well anymore. It's getting a bit old and I have oh so much to write! I really need to get started on finding things to research and actually working on my novel! I have so many plans and I need to start going through with them. At least I have my blog going. I promised myself I'd keep up and I have been successful thus far! Let's hope this keeps up....
One last request, if anyone knows how to view who's following you on here or how to fix my comments? I'm computer savvy, but I'm afraid I'm not blog savvy. I really would like to know who is following me and how I can keep my layout being able to view this as well as have people comment! I find the most crazy feeling to be missing someone you've never met, but can't seem to get out of your mind. It's crazy how our minds totally disregard logic when the heart feels a certain way. Hope you all had a wonderful Monday and welcome Tuesday. Just 3 more days until the weekend. =] Keep your heads up!
Alexis Zoe
P.S. Do something good for someone tomorrow. It will make you feel good! Trust me!
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