In other news, things seem to have been shaping up for me. I'm not going to jinx myself, because I still am not sure if I have obtained the opportunities that have been presented to me. I feel privileged to even have been presented with such wonderful opportunities lately and it has caused me to have a more optimistic view on life in general. I've realized that despite my loneliness at times that I don't really feel lost without someone. In the past, I have always seemed to want someone and felt as though things would be drastically better if I had that "ideal" love. However, I am seeing how wonderful life can be and that despite my past insecurities I am able to obtain so much alone. I don't need that reassurance of how wonderful I am, because I know that I am. I work hard to achieve what I want to and I know once this economies bad cycle is done that I will prosper so much. Possibilities are endless despite how limited one may feel. You can essentially do whatever you want if you work hard enough at it. I hope to do more than just be a professor and write research. I want to do things to better this world and intend to accomplish all of my goals.
This semester has also lacked procrastination thus far. If any of you know me, I do take heavy loads in school and tend to wait until the last minute. I become an insomniac, living off of coffee in order to finish all of my work and somehow pull it off with decent grades. This semester I have been reading in advance and doing in advance. I find that I do better work and feel a lot better! I'm halfway finished with my paper due on Monday when I would usually be up until 6 am writing a paper and going to school on only a few hours of sleep. This paper is actually fascinating me. I'm writing about the Iraqi War and whether journalism is even objective anymore. It's fun, but I won't bore you with. I'll leave that for the actual paper.
I will close by saying life is beautiful.
Alexis Zoe
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