L'Shana Tova," we exclaim to our fellow Jewish loved ones. It is a time for peace, happiness, and prosperity in the Jewish faith. Our New Year signifies a new beginning just as any New Year would. I'm ecstatic about this New Year, because I intend to learn even more about my faith. I believe that as I have grown and the more I've experienced the more I find myself more attached with my religious background. Words can not even begin to express my excitement to go on Birthright this summer and educate myself further. Not only do I plan on learning more about my religion this year, but I also hope to better myself in general. I know that I am a wonderful person, but there is always room for improvement and I intend to improve. One of the main things that disgusts me about myself is my inability to keep my room to a certain degree of cleanliness. I suppose I use the "I'm a writer, we work more efficiently in states of chaos" far too often. In all honesty, I dislike how my room seems to become chaotic only a few days after I've successfully made it a tad bit more organized. I'm actually a very organized person in almost every respect, and long to have a room that

fits this personality trait that I use both in school and work environments. I have a few pictures of my current rooms status that I shall share with you all, but please do not fear too much. I hope to have it fully cleaned by tonight, and if that fails then tomorrow at the latest.
The holidays were fabulous. I always enjoy any sort of Holiday

because it gives you an opportunity to bond with your family. Those are some of the times that I appreciate the most in life. They are also the fondest memories that I have. With the holidays comes a lot of various different yummy foods. I adore cooking so cooking for the holidays doesn't frighten me in the least bit, and despite my vegetarianism I do not object to cooking meat dishes for the family. It is my to my displeasure that I actually have gained 5lbs from this years Rosh Hashanah. I suppose because of my stomach disorder, the weight is just food still sitting in my tummy just waiting to be processed. Either way, I'm hitting the gym tonight at least for a couple hours. Monday, I shall be back on target and running and sweating away all the little annoying fat cells. I hope to lose 30-40lbs by the end of this year. If it happens, it happens. If not I'm done beating myself up about my weigh

t. I know that I am healthy and that is what truly matters. Besides, it's not just the exterior that makes a person truly beautiful. It is the person inside that creates the ultimate package. The one thing I did recognize is my love for Matzah. I decided to add tomato with some other toppings. I actually tried various different toppings on the Matzah and discovered how delicious Matzah is! It is also wonderful when one is sick as well. It's the cure for just about everything! Part of my hope for myself in this New Year is to just overall stay away from bad foods. I in general do that now, but I really want to become more strict. I feel like that may be the ultimate way I shed the pounds. I also intend to actually create some lovely research and start submitting it. I'm not sure where to begin, because there seems to be so many calls for things and I find myself lost in utter confusion! I suppose I must begin to inquire at my University that I am hoping to attempt a shot at being published. On top of writing research, I really want to finish my fictional novel and be employed by October. I know that October is approaching rapidly, but I have high hopes and faith in myself. This economy will not discourage me, I have a lot to offer and someone will see that in me! Overall, this holiday weekend has been absolutely lovely. I was in good company, ate lots of yummy food, and discovered even more how much I am in love with being Jewish. L'Shana Tova.
Alexis Zoe.
PS. Last FM is just about the greatest for discovering new music mhm. Pretty much <3
PPS. Love life! It's too short to stay bitter.
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