So I totally have the strangest dreams ever! Not that I'm complaining or anything. It's not like they are nightmares, more just oddities. I suppose very similar to how things in my life can be. Last nights dream consisted of me going to a party with these people off of a dock and next to an island in the middle of Chicago. It was one of the most odd, yet beautiful things to see. I was with three other people that I did not know well. One girl with blond hair and two guys. I had a bunch of pictures of these guys who were African American and I showed this guy saying I was related to some of them and some were my friends. He got angry and fought with me for showing him the pictures saying that I had no right to affiliate with them. It was strange. Anyways, a storm began to roll in and my family came to get me from this party. For some reason or other my dad and I began to fish in the middle of this storm. I was catching a lot of fish which was exciting for me seeing as I never catch more than one or two every time we go. I ended up catching a fish that looks similar to the one pictured on the right. I fell in love with it, had my brother take pictures of it with his phone... I even asked my mother if I could keep it and she refused. The rest if foggy, I just remember the storm was horrid. I wonder what this dream was trying to tell me? I believe that the subconscious tries to inform you of things whilst dreaming.
So I realize that I actually do care about fashion somewhat! I love dressing up and making myself look pretty, even if I have no where to go but school. Last night I decided to do my nails a light shade of pink. I sort of want to do a more fallesque color, but I realized that all the shades I have are some light pink or clear! I think tomorrow or sometime soon I'll stop by Walgreens and pick up a fall color or two. I'm thinking purple, green, or brown. I've been so into brown lately, I'm not sure if it's just because brown goes best with my car and I actually enjoy attempting to match my car, or if it's just because it's a very fall color and I usually wear black or gray.
Starbucks was having a Via tasting challenge this whole entire weekend. Go in, attempt to taste the difference between via and actual brewed Starbucks coffee, and get a free tall coffee. Of course you know I had to go on several different occasions! I realize that I have been spending a bit too much on coffee daily. There was a coupon for a dollar off on the new Starbucks Via coffee. I decided (since it was quick and efficient and cheaper) to go for it and get the coffee. I had some tonight and let me tell you it is fabulous! This is probably the best instant coffee I've ever had and it actually takes like brewed Starbucks! Not only will I be able to have coffee quick at home and on the go, but it is saving my poor dwindling bank account from getting a grande coffee on a daily basis. I enjoyed a cup tonight while enjoying some complex literature thanks to my masters program. I realized tonight how satisfied I am being alone. It isn't imperative to have a relationship at all times. Just sitting on my balcony, watching the sun set, reading some wonderful work, and drinking coffee made my appreciate for life and the little things creep back. In that moment I realized how wonderful life truly is and how much I have to live for and prove to myself.
This post really isn't very exciting. I had a weekend of sickness and it wasn't the most fun ever! Next weekend I hope to not be sick and actually go out and do things as planned. So instead of boring you with more nonsensical stories, I'll leave you with my view.
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