I have fallen in love with the fall. This weather is perfect, though it was raining and that does not cater very well to my Jewish hair I still appreciated the wonderful scents of autumn. So I finally am actually working a bit. I have two very part time jobs, but I am very excited to be making a couple hundred a month. I got to my goal of having a job that had stable hours, but I still need to find something better. I will continue my search via craiglist and other internet sources. Maybe I'll even pick up the newspaper and do it the good old fashioned way! I have perfected my resume and cover letters now it's just a matter of finding a job that fits me and is high enough paying where I can comfortably move to New York within the next two years. Oh and of course go on a vacation with my girls/boy!
Though I'm not too wild (yes I know others may beg to differ), I really want to go to Vegas. I feel as though I'm one of the only people (other than Jenny) who have not yet been and I've heard only good things about Vegas. Jenny and I discussed going this summer and it seems like a fabulous idea! The only issue is I am going on Birthright, or at least hope to be, this summer. Not only do I intend on going on a Birthright trip, but I also am going to apply to the Ireland study abroad program to see if I could study Media in Ireland for graduate credit. These both aren't definite yet seeing as I'd have to get accepted to go on a Birthright trip and I'd have to get accepted to the Ireland program (if they are still having it). If all that fails I really think a vacation with friends would be in my best interest. I haven't really vacationed anywhere without my parents and I feel this would help to get rid of the "leash" they have with me. They need to realize that I am an adult and if I make enough money to treat myself to a vacation than they just have to accept it. Though I love them, I really believe that they need to let me go at some point. That's part of the reason I'd love to move to New York. That and New York has fabulous fashion and shopping! One of my colleagues in my graduate program told me that "I could be the poster child for Louis Voutinn and that I was adorable."
Alexis Zoe
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