At times I feel as though I can be somewhat emotional and craving of attention. I admit that this is a fault and am okay with it. I believe that it is important to embrace our flaws, because that is what makes us so unique. We don't all have the same flaws and if they are similar we don't all deal with them in the same way. I suppose that is what makes humans to beautiful right? We are able to embrace what we do have due to a lack thereof. I think the biggest struggle that anyone will go through is the constant battle to discover within themselves. We are always growing and discovering new things about who we are. Though there will always be exploration and discovery in our lives we must remember how important it is to embrace that which we do have.
I have many qualities and one I like to think is writing. Though this blog is somewhat vague and random I hope that my words will and do inspire. It is amazing what a great book or article can do for the mind and how much it can make another think. Though we may not hit the authors goal spot on we are able to discuss and attempt to make sense. In the process I feel that we learn something about ourselves and this is why I love writing. It helps us grow and relate on a level we may not be able to otherwise. It also gives the author the chance to express themselves in whatever way they so choose to do so.
As I'm sure we've all heard at some point in our lives, life is a roller coaster. We have our ups and downs. The down's take our breath away and often leave us confused or out of breath. The ups allow give us excitement of whats to come and leave us curious as to what comes next. I feel as though currently I am up on the roller coaster. I am not waiting to come down, but I am waiting to see what else this ride has in store for me. One of the main reasons that I am up is because I have such an extraordinary family that provides me with so much support and makes me feel good about the person I have become. I am extremely blessed to have people in my life that support me through my battles and through my dreams. Not everyone has that and though there are very few people within my family I'd rather have few then many who don't support my dreams and acknowledge my efforts.
Not only do my family acknowledge my efforts, but my wonderful boyfriend does as well. At times I do get a bit starved for attention and he is always there and as a human I do get sad and cry just as much if not more than the rain showers, but he is always there to listen. I have never been so attracted or felt such strong emotions for someone and though that scares me a bit I am not afraid to dedicate and put myself in it 100%. Yes, I run the risk of potentially getting hurt in the end. If I don't put my trust in him and believe that he is everything I see then I only am limiting myself and not living my life to the fullest. G-d I believe intends the best for us in the end if we do right in our lives. He gives the good people tough lives, because he knows that they have the ability to help others who are in need and because of their struggles they have the power, appreciation, and drive to do right in the world and to the people within it. I truly believe that he has given me the best right now and will only continue to be rewarding me later. His gift to me right now is Johnny and I can never express how grateful I am to have met such an amazing, talented, and special man.
Tomorrow I will be meeting my mothers best friend from New York at my favorite restaurant of all time, Hackneys! I am excited and anxious all in one to meet her, but I'm sure it will go wonderfully. I'm just excited for good food! It seems more and more difficult to diet now a days with outings and such. At least I attempt to stay active. 10.5 miles in the last 3 days and about 30 flights of stairs! I love being fit. Running, though difficlt whilst doing the action, is so liberating. After a good workout I feel the same as after a nice rain shower. Running combined with watching the rain is total bliss. I'm going to attempt to get some things finished tonight before work tomorrow and talk to the love of my life so I shall leave you with this beautiful quote.
A person is never as quiet or restrained as they seem, as bad or as good, as vulneranble or as strong, as sweet or as feisty. We are thickly layered, page upon page, behind simple covers. & love - it is not the book itself, but the binding; it can rip us apart.
Hope you all have a wonderful start to the week!
Alexis Zoe<3
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